Event Calendar Criteria
The Meet Minneapolis events calendar is one of the most popular pages on Minneapolis.org, with approximately 1.1 million visitors to the calendar in 2019.
We use our website, our social media channels, and Meet Minneapolis Visitor Center on Nicollet to drive traffic to the online calendar. From concerts and art exhibitions, to street fairs and community events, visitors can get a clear picture of what’s going on in Minneapolis by visiting the calendar.
This document outlines the criteria we use to select which events to post and it explains how partners can submit an event to be considered for the calendar.
We are looking for events that fall into at least one of the following categories:
Large-Scale Event:
The event is known to attract visitors to Minneapolis, with a particular emphasis on events that are large scale enough to prompt an overnight stay. Examples include: Rock the Garden, a public show at the Convention Center, Art-A-Whirl, Basilica Block Party, Twins games, etc.
Unique Event:
The event is unique and noteworthy, even if it’s on a smaller scale. Examples include a concert, theater performance, gallery opening, or special event at a business that may be of special interest to a visitor.
Complementary Event:
The event works in tandem with a large-scale event. Examples include a Prince cover band or DJs performing around the time of the Prince Official Tribute Concert, free bike repair during Minneapolis Bike Week, having an art pop up shop during Art-A-Whirl, etc.
Events that Support Our Organizational Goals:
The event furthers Meet Minneapolis’ strategic organizational goals of showcasing diversity, enhancing winter tourism, showing off unique aspects of Minneapolis, and attracting visitors to the city.
Partner Events:
Events that are hosted by partners will be included in the Meet Minneapolis event calendar if they meet aspects of the criteria outlined above. Businesses do not need to be partners to be included in the events calendar.
* Examples of events that do not meet the criteria listed above include: business-to-business (B2B) events, education-related events, fundraisers, religious services, etc.
Submitting an event to the calendar
To be included on the events calendar, partners should submit their events by going to the partner portal and following these steps:
Log into IDSS through the partner portal and in the right hand corner, select "Content" followed by "Local Events" from the drop down menu. Click "Add" to enter the information for a new event. Be sure to enter information into the following sections:
Event Name
Event Date
Event Description
Event Image
Event Ticket Information
You can enter the event ticket information as a specific website link, Facebook link, or Twitter link.
Remember to write your description with the visitor in mind. Keep it brief and don’t assume they know what your event is or why they should consider attending.
Upon entering the event details, select "Submit" at the top right-hand corner of the page.
A request will be sent to the Partnership Team. The team will review the information and confirm the submission, if appropriate. After Meet Minneapolis confirmation, the changes will update to minneapolis.org within 24 hours.
Editing a current event listing
On the primary page under "Local Event Details," find the event you need to update or cancel and select "Edit."
Once you are in the event listing, you can edit the details or you can cancel the event listing by selecting "Cancel" at the top right-hand corner of the page.
A request will be sent to the Partnership Team. The team will review the information and confirm the submission. After Meet Minneapolis confirmation, the changes will update to minneapolis.org within 24 hours.
All event submissions are subject to the editing and approval of Meet Minneapolis. Not all submitted events will be included in the events calendar, as they are subject to the criteria outlined above.